end credit

Open end credit a pre-approved loan that may be used repeatedly up to a certain limit .
They will have to end the credit squeeze soon , he said .
The initiative follows another major government effort to end a credit crunch that could further stifle economic growth .
The central bank is tightening regulation of loan-to-value ratios and trying to end easy credit .
All this came to an end with the credit crunch and the associated collapse of bank lending .
The end of the credit and housing booms ended in a once-in-a-century bust .
The figures underline how the end of the credit boom and wild swings in the stock market have made M & A deals harder to finance and harder to value .
The emergency directive could bring a speedier than expected end to the credit squeeze instituted in recent months to fight inflation and cool a number of sectors of the economy , especially the property market .
Central banks ' efforts to ease strains in the money markets are failing to stop financial institutions from hoarding cash , stoking fears that the recent respite in equity markets may not signal the end of the credit crisis .
Elsewhere , the sudden end of private sector credit booms led directly to collapses in government revenue and surges in public spending : the US , UK , Spain and Ireland are examples .